Serving the Great State of Michigan

Mount Pleasant - Bed Bug Treatment & Exterminators

What Are Bed Bugs?

They might be small, and they might seem insignificant, but the bed bug is very much a major household irritant. These insects are a hardy group of vampiric insects that feed on the blood of mammals and humans. They use this blood to then empower their brood, creating more bed bugs fueled by the very blood they take from their victims. Eggs are then laid in the same location as their host – often you, a sleeping human – so that their young can feed on the same food source. While unlikely to ever make you severely ill, bed bugs are dangerous from a psychological perspective. Trying to sleep well at night while you know your bed has critters moving around is difficult. So, too, is dealing with the constant bite marks and itchy spots left behind from the bloodsucking. If you are in need of bed bug treatment in Mount Pleasant, then you are in the right place.

Bed Bug Treatment in Mount Pleasant, MI

While many forms of bed bug treatment exist, we use a heat-based treatment. Before we undergo any treatment itself, though, we focus on an analysis of your Mount Pleasant property. First, we look for the source of the bed bugs – where are they coming from? Once we work out the source, we make sure that we bring an end to their ability to enter your home. This is very important, as it can go a long way to making sure you can permanently end the presence of bed bugs. They could be coming from a nearby property, for example. Once we find the source, we close this off, and then we get to work on eradicating the bed bugs left over.

Bed Bug Treatment Using Heat

If you have bed bugs in your life, then you want a treatment that kills them off without potential side effects. As our primary bed bug treatment, we use a heat-based system. By using the Heat Assault 500X, we make sure that you are left with permanent removal of all bed bugs. This removes them without costing you any equipment. You do not have to dispose of mattresses and other upholstery. You do not have to worry about poison pellets attracting your pets or the gaze of an adventurous young child. In short, we make sure that you are able to remove the bed bugs without the costly collateral damage that other treatments come with. We leave you without any property damage or any risks to your health. By reaching temperatures above 145F, we make sure that you can have total peace of mind that the bed bugs are gone for good. Heat destroys the beg bugs present and the eggs they lay. This creates an environment they cannot survive within.

Bed Bug Exterminators in Mount Pleasant

As experienced and licensed professionals, we can quickly and easily deliver the bed bug treatment you need. By using heat-based treatments and other chemical treatments, we remove the environmental and health risks. Also, heat treatments penetrate and kill off eggs – pesticides and other chemicals do not. So, we use the most humane, most effective, and the most environmentally sound treatment. If you want a solution that kills off your bed bugs in Mount Pleasant, then you can check bed bug treatment checklist or contact us today on NUMBER. Arrange a consultation, and we can quickly and easily work out the best way to remove these pests from your property.

A Little About Mount Pleasant, MI

Mount Pleasant is a town with a rich history of education, as it is home to Central Michigan University. This is among the largest universities in the state. During academic times of the year, the population of Mount Pleasant can increase by almost double! Also, the name of this town is slightly misleading: you will need to travel pretty far to find terrain that is not flat. This is a flat, non-mountainous area.

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